Posts Tagged ‘Verizon can Bite Me’

…the first thing you need to do is argue with your cell phone carrier.

I’ve used Verizon since the mid-ninties back well cell phones would barely fit in a purse. And up until two years ago I’ve never had an issue. Now, every four to six months I have to call customer service because my online login and password stops working.

Each time I get the same vague answer…I don’t know why that happened…

Well, I can tell you why…its because your service sucks.

Then it takes twenty minutes on hold to fix it again! At the end of the call they ask me if I want to upgrade or get a new phone…hell to the no! My contract is up on August 13th and at 12:01 am on that date, I’m switching carriers.

Whatever happened to customer service?  Thank you has become passe, holding open a door almost never happens…or they drop the door in your face. How many times have you been walking through the grocery store and you’re walking with purpose, no browsing, no glancing – straight ahead movement and someone walks in front of you and you have to skid to a stop? What is up with that?

I know. It’s sad but I sound like my mother. LOL!!!

JC, counting the days until she can tell Verizon to piss off

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