Do you ever feel like Microsoft Outlook owns your soul? Do you hear that little ‘ding’ of arriving mail then close your eyes while animal-like whimpering souls escape from your mouth?

Yeah, me too.

I spent all of yesterday answering email. No writing, no promotion, no nothing – just email. About ten hours worth. It was truly staggering. Of course, one of the reasons why I had a ton o’ email was because I have a nasty tendency to put things off when I’m writing. I don’t want to take the time to answer it because work must be done. Then I get cranky when I have to take an entire day to do all the email I’d neglected.

When I was in high school my home ec teacher – what the heck was her name? – said to avoid spending your Saturday cleaning you should take ten minutes a day to straighten up. I think I need to use that strategy to keep my email in line.

Then again, I probably won’t. :)

Categories : Rant

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